Connect your skills to the Cause
Thank you for your interest in becoming a She Has A Name volunteer. If you’ve never attended our Anti-Human Trafficking Training, start there! After attending training, we’d love to connect you with volunteer opportunities.
Volunteer ideas include:
Mentor through one of our scholarship programs
SHAN Ambassadors - available to represent SHAN and sell merch at community events
Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Team - focus on how to care for buyers and raise awareness about exploitation
Make meals for support groups
Graphic design
Mobilize Your Community
The most valuable thing any volunteer or supporter can do when they are passionate about a cause is to share that passion with others. By hosting a fundraising event to benefit She Has A Name, you are giving your friends, family, and peers the opportunity to learn about what human trafficking is and how they can join the response, all while directly supporting SHAN’s mission. To get you started in planning your fundraiser, we’ve compiled our best practices into our Volunteer Fundraising Guide.
Have questions about what it means to be a SHAN volunteer?
Check out our Volunteer Guide online here or download a printable PDF by clicking the image above.