Our signature training. A Central Ohio standout since 2015.

We’ve gathered the most up-to-date resources available in one concise training designed to help you understand what human trafficking is, why it happens, and how you can appropriately respond. We encourage people of all demographics to attend this training.

Looking for our Solicitor Education Program? Learn more and sign up for class here.

Next Course

February Hybrid Course

Tuesday, February 4th 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Virtual through Zoom Webinar AND

Tuesday, February 11th 6:30pm - 8:00pm | In Person at Veritas Community Church - Short North

345 E 2nd Ave Columbus OH 43201

Each session covers a different topic; please plan to attend both sessions


Course Overview

Part 1: Introduction to Human Trafficking

What is human trafficking?

Where does it happen?

Introduction to Labor Trafficking

Introduction to Sex Trafficking

Part 2: Responding to Human Trafficking

The Effects of Trauma

Characteristics of survivors

Characteristics of solicitors

Characteristics of care providers

Part 3 (Live sessions only): Charette

Consider this one part speed dating, one part organizational fair. Apply the knowledge gained from parts 1 & 2 as you consider a variety of ways to get involved in the cause. We’ll gather our community partners for you to meet, ask questions, and connect.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a prerequisite to attend this training?

No, we offer this course with the assumption that participants have received no formal training about human trafficking prior to attending.

Is there a fee to attend this training?

This training is currently free. We encourage registrants to consider making a $10 donation to She Has A Name (SHAN). This investment goes towards the survivor input and staff time that is invested in creating a evidence-based and trauma-informed training program.

Will this session be recorded?

No. At this time we are only facilitating a live, in-person and virtual experience for this training.

Is there a virtual option for me to attend from outside the central Ohio area?

Yes, the first session on February 4th will be completely virtual through Zoom webinars. Due to the interactive and collaborative nature of the February 11th session this portion will only be offered in person.

How often is this training offered?

We typically offer a live Human Trafficking 101 session 2-3 times per year. You can explore our Human Trafficking 101 content on-demand through our Online Learning Platform.

Don’t take our word for it! Read these reviews from previous training participants:

Photo courtesy of Erika Flugge Photography

I loved your passion for the topic and feel like I learned a lot for the time invested.
— Linda, November 2023 Training Participant
I found the training to be highly effective as an introduction to a sensitive and troubling subject. Many points were touched upon, but in an organized, clear and concise manner. I would like to express my appreciation that SHAN (and affiliated organizations) are actively *doing* something to better the lives of those individuals caught up in the evils of human trafficking.
— November 2023 training participant

Photo courtesy of Erika Flugge Photography

I think the trainings are information packed and very useful. I also like the panels and everyone having the opportunity to talk about their organizations.
— Kayla, January 2021 training participant from Columbus, OH
I found the training to be incredibly useful, inspiring, and informative. I’ve been waiting a while now to learn more in depth about labor trafficking. It’s always nice to hear from partnering organizations to get a deeper dive into what’s going on in the community. I will be inviting friends for future trainings! Thank you so much!
— Lexi, January 2021 training participant from Cleveland, OH
There was a lot, but all of it is useful. I doubt I could restate everything as fully and as clearly with as great an impact as demonstrated tonight, but I’m eager to share this initiative with my community
— August 2018 Training Participant

2023 Impact

Over 700 people attended one of 20 SHAN training events in 2023. Family Education Day hosted 29 kids ages 3-17 and their caregivers as we boldly adapted our tested human trafficking training. In collaboration our trusted community partners like Gracehaven, Shared Hope International, SexEd Reclaimed and others we offered age-appropriate activities and information. Our efforts were featured in the Columbus Dispatch!

Dream Big | We hope to facilitate two live training sessions in 2023. You’ll also see the return of our Fair & Free Workshop which focuses on understanding and responding to labor trafficking. All of these events depend on finding accessible and affordable venues within the Columbus area.