Sponsor She Has A Name’s Spring Events!
Three purpose-filled gatherings designed to further She Has A Name’s mission to care for all those locally impacted by human trafficking. Sponsors are encouraged to consider each event and invest specifically or toward general needs.
Select an event
Family Education Day
August 19th, 2023
Veritas Tri City, Hilliard OH
A family-centered learning opportunity that welcomes children and teens to be involved in the cause.
Girl’s Night Out
June 15th, 2023
The Junction, Hilliard OH
Gather the women in your life to enjoy an evening filled with pampering. Funds raised will support SHAN’s survivor scholarships.
Survivor Scholarship Celebration
July 27th, 2023
High Life Studio, Columbus OH
Celebrating She Has A Name’s 2022 Strategies for Success and April Thacker Dream Scholarship recipients.
2. Choose an investment level
Below are suggested sponsorship amounts for any and all of the above programs. You can find out more about each by viewing our annual report.
$1,000 RESTORE
>> Send a survivor to college
Survivors of human trafficking have little support to pursue their vision for what comes next beyond restorative programming. We believe in the transformative power of education and its ability to foster discipline, confidence, and strength. Our Strategies for Success scholarship makes it possible for survivors to pursue higher education while remaining debt-free.
>> Support a Survivor’s Dream
Every survivor has a unique journey to success, and requires unique resources to reach their personal goals.The April Thacker Dream Scholarship empowers human trafficking survivors further themselves in their personal development and growth. This program challenges applicants to dream for themselves, outline their goals, and work towards achieving their goals.
>> Support a Survivor’s Dream
She Has A Name offers a digital course for free to 11-18 year olds, those most at risk for exploitation through human trafficking. This resource has become increasingly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic as children and youth spend more time online than ever before.
>> Provide One Hour Community Training
She Has A Name provides community education through a unique curriculum that addresses human trafficking education and awareness. We receive requests to offer this training around the state to groups such as the staff at Nationwide Insurance Company, Equitas Health, and other community and professional organizations.
>> Educate a John
She Has A Name manages Columbus’ private Solicitor Education Program. First time solicitation offenders(men purchasing sex, the most common form of human trafficking in Ohio) learn from social workers and survivors about the realities of human trafficking. Buyers are 70% less likely to re-offend after attending our Solicitor Education Program.
What’s included in a sponsorship?
We look forward to working with you to create a sponsorship package that fits your unique needs. You are welcome to consider sponsoring a specific event listed above, or to support multiple events. All sponsorships promote your organization’s name and/or logo included as a sponsor through:
All event(s) information: invitations, advertisements, and news releases
Verbal and visual recognition at the event(s)
She Has A Name’s website, email marketing and social media, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram
3. Process your sponsorship
A specific donation page for these opportunities is coming soon. In the meantime you can make a donation through our giving website and specify “Sponsorship” in the comments section. You can also print this form and mail a physical check made out to:
She Has A Name
605 N High St #120
Columbus OH 43215
Have questions or need more information? Use the form below to find out more. We look forward to working with you!