We Believe In You
Everyone can play a role in the anti-human trafficking community. Whether you're a graphic designer, college student, or stay-at-home mom, we believe you have invaluable skills and resources to combat human trafficking in Central Ohio. Here are three tangible ways you can join the cause.
Our work to empower survivors would not be possible without individuals like you who have chosen to generously invest. Consider a monthly gift for sustainability, or invite your peers to join your investment.
Since 2015 we have created a variety of educational programs with a goal of equipping you to understand this complex issue and meaningfully respond. Click below to find out what learning opportunities are coming up.
Contribute your skills and interests as you serve as a SHAN Ambassador! We creatively fit your unique gifts into our response to human trafficking. All ages, abilities, and skill sets welcome.
“I knew what I was put here on this earth to do. No longer could we be distant from the problem [of human trafficking]. She Has A Name had to be on the front lines, working with survivors, connecting dots, filling in the gaps.””