Time Does Not Heal All Wounds: The Role of Grief in Complex Trauma, Attachment, & Traumatic Death
The Mount Carmel Crime & Trauma Assistance Program invites you to create a working theoretical knowledge of grief, complex trauma, and attachment, as well as learn to use effective interventions. The program will be presented by Kristen Santel, LISW-S.
Cost | Early registration fee is $50 (includes attendance, breakfasts, and afternoon snacks). The deadline for early registration is 5pm on April 27th. After April 27th, the program fee is $75. Mount Carmel colleagues receive half-off the registration program fee.
Register | Call (614) 234-LIFE (5433) to register, Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm. Checks may be made payable to Mount Carmel Foundation and note "Registration Free CTAP" in the memo. When sending checks to the Mount Carmel Foundation at 6150 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43213, please address envelopes to Pamela Mahaney.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Donna Martinez at (614) 234-2713 or dmartinez@mchs.com.