Walk Against Traffick is a 10 mile fundraiser on Saturday, July 16, 2016to raise money for Hard Places Community (HPC), an organization actively fighting human trafficking in Cambodia. Money raised at this event will go to support HPC's new center in Siem Reap where the Taviano family (formerly from Columbus, Ohio) are living and serving. HPC Siem Reap provides a safe place, educational opportunities, and sharing about Jesus to sexually abused and trafficked children in Cambodia.
Our goal is to raise $8,888 in this one event, which will help to run the HPC Center in Siem Reap for one year! Come be a part of fighting human trafficking by walking 10 miles.
The walk will be 10 laps around the one mile loop at the Highbanks Metro Park, Big Meadow Path. There will be a cookout after the walk and missionaries from Cambodia (Gabe & Marla Taviano and their girls formerly from Columbus, Ohio) will be sharing about the work they are doing in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
July 16, 2016, registration begins at 7:00 a.m. with the walk starting at 8:00 a.m.
To register for the Columbus walk, visit http://www.walkagainsttraffick.org, click sign-up and look for the Columbus event and “Register Now"
More Info:
Walk Against Traffick - Columbus is a public event on FB with videos and updates and a link to the register and donation form there too! https://www.facebook.com/events/964691806960939/
Walk Against Traffick Promo Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9VGZfgISiE
Hard Places Community (organization that the funds are going to) Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeH3xMK0Q4k