Party with a purpose! We need your help in the fight against human trafficking in Central Ohio. By learning more about existing efforts and contributing to seeing those initiatives succeed, you join us in advocating for those who cannot speak for themselves. When we reduce demand and intervene before men and women enter difficult circumstances, we make the biggest difference.
Celebrate with food from area restaurants, local craft brews and signature cocktail, a silent auction, and wine pull. The evening will include a program including a key note speaker and panel of survivors and practitioners. We will also hear about what has happened over the past year and what is coming in 2017. Cocktail attire is recommended--dressy and elegant, but not too formal.
Funds raised through the event fund our community initiatives including a job readiness college class for survivors as well as resource support for local organizations who provide direct care for survivors of trafficking. Thank you for your generosity and heart for victims of human trafficking in Columbus.
Ticket information, event details, sponsorship opportunities and volunteer needs and more can all be found through the event webpage.