Your Gifts Fund Freedom

Everyone has a role to play in the fight against human trafficking. There are so many avenues, from mentoring a survivor to educating your co-workers. We look forward to partnering with you as together we realize our vision to see all those impacted by human trafficking restored into society, welcomed in the workplace, and thriving in community.

Together, We’re Serving:


She Has A Name supports the dreams and educational pursuits of survivors of human trafficking. Through the April Thacker Dream Scholarship and Strategies for Success Scholarship, we’re helping survivors dream again as they thrive in healthy community.


There will never be an end to the business of human trafficking without reducing the demand for paid sex. Through our vision to care for all those impacted, we provide programs and resources to those arrested for solicitation.


SHAN is a trusted area expert in understanding why human trafficking happens and what we can each do to respond. We take this program into workplaces and neighborhood associations.